Core TSIs : Sustainability : Sustainability dashboards : Generating dashboards for sustainability audits
Generating dashboards for sustainability audits
You can generate sustainability audit charts on:
the number of sustainability audits held in your property portfolio over the years,
audit scores per questionnaire and per issue.
1. Go to Monitoring > Sustainability dashboards and log on.
Note: this procedure serves as an example for the many dashboards you can generate here.
2. On the Planon Sustainability dashboards web page, click the vertical Audits tab (left-hand side of your screen).
3. In the horizontal selection bar, select KPI type.
You can select either Number of audits or Scores overview.
4. Select Scores overview.
5. Do not make a selection on the horizontal selection step Region on map, to include all countries.
6. Do not make a selection on the horizontal selection step Property type, to include all property types.
7. Do not make a selection on the horizontal selection step Properties, to include all properties.
The Prepare charts button is blue.
8. Click the button.
The dashboard shows data on the selected KPI type, region and properties; in this case the Scores overview for audits held in all properties.
9. Click a category in the chart, to drill down to the issues in the questionnaire.
These issues in the chart show the spread in scores per issue.
10. Click an issue with a striking score spread (large cross) in the chart, to drill down to the questions in the questionnaire.
11. Click a question with a score spread that stands out and you will drill down to the answer scores (%) given per property.
For more information about configuration and a more detailed description, see also: Sustainability and REM dashboards.