Core TSIs : Sustainability : Audits in Sustainability : Setting up questionnaires for audits : Defining questions and possible answer options
Defining questions and possible answer options
You can register (predefined) questions and answers for the assessment of the environmental performance of buildings. Based on the answers given, scores are calculated. Go to Audits > Audit templates manager > Questions / Answer options to define the relevant audit questions, and the scores per possible answer.
For questions, the following fields are available:
Enter a relevant code for the question.
Enter a relevant description of the question.
Indicate whether the question is mandatory or not.
Default answer
Enter a default answer to the question. Depending on the type of question this either is a date, time, numerical value or a single-line/multi-line answer.
Score method
Select a method to score open questions of type: Single-line/Multi-line text, Date-time, Decimal or Integer.
The score is calculated based on the option selected from the following list:
Fixed score – Displays non-editable score field on the questionnaire form.
Open score – Displays editable score field on the questionnaire form.
No score – Score field will not be displayed on the questionnaire form.
Single select option type
Select the type of question field that you want to use (Radio button group or Combo box group).
Options will have scores
Select Yes to have scores for options. This field is only available for single select and multi-select question types.
Maximum score value
Enter a maximum score value for a question. This value is used to restrict the score for a question.
If this field does not contain a value, Planon uses the value of the Maximum calculated score value field as maximum score.
Maximum calculated score value
This field displays the calculated maximum score.
Linked questionnaires
Displays the questionnaire(s) that are linked to the question.
Translated name
Enter translations for the question if you are working in a multilingual environment.
For answers, the following fields are available:
Enter a relevant code for the answer option.
Enter a relevant description of the answer option.
Select the question to which this possible answer must be linked.
Default value?
Select Yes to display the answer option as the initial value for the selected question.
Sequence number
Enter any number between 0 and 9999 (inclusive). The sequence number is used to display answers according to the given sequence.
Score value
Enter a score value for the answer option.
Translated name
Enter translations for the answer option if you are working in a multilingual environment.