Core TSIs : Sustainability : Supporting data in Sustainability : Adding types of intended building use
Adding types of intended building use
To register the various types of original building use which apply to the properties in your portfolio. For example, if the buildings in your portfolio were originally designed either as schools, office buildings or factories, you enter these three building types in the Supporting data > Intended use of building TSI. Example: a former school is currently used as an office building. However, it may be worthwhile for future analyses to register that the original design of the building is ‘school’. The intended use of buildings can be selected at the Sustainability details selection level in Supporting data > Additional property information.
1. Go to Supporting data > Intended use of building.
2. At Intended use of building, click Add.
3. In the data panel, complete the relevant fields.
Enter a code for the intended use of building that you want to register.
Enter a name for the ‘intended use of building’ record that you want to add. Examples: factory, school, office building, warehouse.
4. Click Save.
The intended use of the building has been registered and can be selected in the Additional property information TSI.