Core TSIs : Sustainability : Supporting data in Sustainability : Adding input conversion tables
Adding input conversion tables
To add conversion tables for units of measurement. For example, in order to enable the conversion from square meters into square feet or from liters into gallons. International organizations can use the selected input conversion table to be able to display converted figures in sustainability dashboards. For example, if the US office registers fuel consumption in gallons and your European office in liters, you will also be able to show the organization’s totals in either liters or gallons in the dashboards.
1. Go to Supporting data > Input conversion tables.
2. At Input conversion tables, click Add.
3. In the data panel, complete the relevant fields.
Select the source unit of measurement for conversion. Example: if you want to convert liters to gallons, select liters.
Alternative unit
Select the target unit of measurement for conversion. Example: if you want to convert liters to gallons, select gallons.
Conversion factor
Enter the factor by which the selected unit must be multiplied to convert to the alternative unit. Example: if you want to convert liters to gallons, enter 0.264172052.
4. Click Save.
A new input conversion record is added.