Adding degree days
Add the heating degree days and cooling degree days that apply to your properties. Degree days can help organizations to measure and analyze energy usage in different weather conditions. In Planon you can manually add degree day data, but you can also subscribe to a web service to download data from an external party, for example Degree
To manually add degree days, follow the procedure below.
1. Go to Monitoring > Degree days.
2. Click the Properties selection level to select the relevant property/ -ies.
3. At the Weather station selection level, select the relevant weather station.
4. At Definitions, select the relevant degree day definition.
5. At Measuring equipment, select the equipment for registering either cooling degree days or heating degree days.
6. At Degree days, click Add.
7. In the data panel, complete the relevant fields.
This field displays the code of the measuring equipment for which the degree days are registered.
Reading date-time
Enter the date and time when the reading took place.
Reading value
Enter the degree days reading for that date and time.
8. Click Save.
A new degree days record has been added.