Adding dashboard areas
To register the countries and regions that must be shown in sustainability dashboards. Planon uses the FusionMaps XT technology to generate sustainability dashboards, so make sure that any additional entity IDs you enter are supported by FusionMaps XT.
A basic set of FusionMaps .js files for countries and regions is already included in the Sustainability solution. If you require additional countries and regions, please contact your Planon consultant.
1. Go to Supporting data > Dashboard areas.
Dashboard area is a hierarchical element. Use the top element for world, the next sub-level for continents and the levels below that for countries and regions.
2. At Dashboard areas click Add.
3. In the data panel, complete the relevant fields.
Enter a relevant code for the dashboard area, for example W for world, NA for North America and CA for Canada.
Code group
Displays the combined dashboard area code plus parent level codes.
Enter the name of the dashboard area, for example World, North America or Canada.
Parent level
This field displays the level above the selected element.
Fusion maps – entity ID
Enter the FusionMaps ID code of the area (continent, country or region).
Fusion maps JS file
Enter the name of the map that refers to the area in the following format: maps/map-name. Example, for World map, enter maps/world. This JavaScript alias will internally fetch the relevant .js file and loads the map.
For the list of available maps, refer to the following link: .
4. Click Save.
A dashboard area is added.