Adding base temperatures
To register base temperatures in a range that applies to your organization’s buildings. Once registered, base temperatures for heating and cooling can be linked to properties to enable the calculation of cooling degree days and heating degree days. Specific dashboards showing heating degree days and cooling degree days for a selection of properties can be generated in Dashboards (see the Specific tab on the Planon Sustainability Dashboard web page).
1. Go to Supporting data > Base temperatures.
2. Click Add.
3. In the data panel, complete the relevant fields.
Enter a code for the base temperature. Tip: use a number that is the same as the actual base temperature. So, enter 10 if the base temperature to be registered is 10 degrees Celsius.
Base temperature
Enter the figure that represents the base temperature you want to register. For example type 10 if you want to register a base temperature of 10 degrees Celsius.
4. Click Save.
The base temperature has been registered.