Linking reasons to checklist results
With planned maintenance activities, there might be (mandatory) checklist items. Field engineers must record a result for checklist items on the app, in order to complete their activity. Checklist results can be linked to reasons, as follows:
1. Go to Action-reason configuration.
2. Go to Actions > Reasons, selection step and select a reason that must be linked to a result.
3. On the action panel, click Link checklist result.
4. In the Link checklist result dialog box, select the result(s) you want to link to this reason.
The results include:
◦ Not assessed - this is the default value for each checklist result.
◦ Assessed with observation - if this result is selected for a mandatory checklist item, entering a reason is also mandatory. This implies that at least one reason must be configured and linked to the result.
◦ Unable to assess - this result (and linked reason) is only supported by the PMFS Live app.
◦ Done - the checklist result is assessed.
5. Click OK.
The reason is now linked to the selected checklist result(s) and displayed on the app.