Supporting data : Supporting Data : Tariff groups - working hours : Tariff groups - special tariffs
Tariff groups - special tariffs
Special tariffs can be used to define special working hours, such as weekends, bank holidays and overtime. You can define and maintain special tariffs for working hours in the Supporting data navigation group.
If you have the appropriate authorization, you can add, delete, copy, modify and archive special tariffs in the Tariff groups - working hours navigation item.
Special tariffs for working hours are used in the Work Orders TSI, as a charge-back method for order costs. The special tariff must be linked to the internal tradesperson to whom orders are assigned. This link is made in the Special tariff field in the Personnel TSI. Once an order is assigned to an internal tradesperson, the relevant special tariff and its associated special tariff lines are used on the order to calculate the labor hour costs for special working hours.