Supporting data : Supporting Data : Recurrence periods
Recurrence periods
Orders, such as reservations, can be repeated within a pre-defined period. For example you can plan your weekly meetings per three-monthly periods, creating a pre-defined period for each quarter. You can define and maintain recurrence periods in Recurrence periods.
To add a recurrence period:
1. Go to Recurrence periods.
2. Click Add in the action menu.
3. In the data section, complete the relevant fields.
For a description of these fields, see the following table:
Enter a description for the recurrence period.
Start date
The date after which the first order should to be generated.
This date does not necessarily have to be the start date of the first generated order.
End date
The date after which no orders should be generated anymore.
This date does not necessarily have to be the start date of the last generated order.
4. Click Save.
For details on how to make an order recur, see Making an order recurrent and Making a reservation recurrent.