Supporting data : Supporting Data : Defaults and preferences
Defaults and preferences
In Planon ProCenter , the functional application manager or someone with similar authorizations can specify which tradespeople or coordinators, either internal or external, are presented to end users in dialog boxes or as default values when creating orders. This will considerably simplify making selections for end users.
Basically, a distinction is made between preferred or default tradespeople and coordinators per property, trade and order group.
Preferences are used to create pre-filtered lists of tradespeople and coordinators in dialog boxes that can be opened from within fields, such as the External tradesperson field.
Defaults are values that will be specified automatically on the data tabs of the order as soon as a specific property and order group or trade - for which these defaults have been registered - is specified for the order.
Preferred or default tradespeople and coordinators are linked to either a trade or order group. Additionally, combinations of preferences or defaults may also be linked to a specific property. The possible relations between the various elements are shown in this image.
Illustration of possible relations between images
For more information on working with defaults and preferences, see Work Orders .