Supporting data : Supporting Data : Countries & Cities
Countries & Cities
End users can use the Countries and Cities pick list, for example, to specify the country / city where a property is located, or to specify the country / city for an address.
The Countries pick list can be maintained in Supporting data > Countries.
Enter the Code and Name of the country in the relevant fields.
The Cities pick list can be maintained in Supporting data > Cities.
For the available fields, see the following table:
Select a country from the list.
Enter the name of the city.
Enter a district.
ZIP code / Postal code
Enter the default zip code/postal code of the city.
When end users specify a city in Planon, for example for an Address or a Property, the zip code is automatically populated with the value defined in the ZIP code / Postal code field in Supporting data > Cities. End users can always manually change this code.
If the field Postal code / ZIP code of an Address or Property already has a value, this value will not be overwritten with the value from Supporting data > Cities.
Enter the municipality to which the city belongs.
When end users specify a city for an Address or a Property in Planon, the municipality is automatically populated with the value defined in the Municipality field in Supporting data > Cities.
End users can always manually change the municipality.
Enter the region or county to which the city belongs.
When end users specify a city for an Address or a Property in Planon, the region or county is automatically populated with the value defined in the Region/County field in Supporting data > Cities.
End users can always manually change the region or county.
The Cities pick list is not translatable; because of internationalization requirements, a new City field has been introduced (CityReference). By using this field, names of cities are now translatable. For more information, see Making Cities translatable.