DBA System Configuration Tool
DBA System Configuration tool allows the Planon Application Manager to create a DBAConfig.ini file containing an encrypted user name and password. The DBA System Configuration is installed with the Suite Database Upgrade tool and is an optional tool that is designed to assist the Planon system administrator by making user names and passwords automatically available to the Suite Database Upgrade tool.
Suite Database Upgrade tool
1. Enter the connection details or click Open to open an existing .ini file and click Save to save the information as a DBAConfig.ini file. The Save As dialog box appears.
'Save as' dialog box
2. Choose/create a temporary directory to be used by the Suite Database Upgrade tool later.
We recommend not to use a directory inside the Planon installation folder because the Suite Database Upgrade tool cannot clean that location and you would need to do it manually.
3. Click Save to save the DBAConfig.ini.
4. Click Exit to quit the tool.
When starting the Suite Database Upgrade tool , the DBAConfig.ini file is read and the connection settings will automatically appear. This is only true, if you place the .ini file in the temporary application directory. Consequently, no specific action by the Planon System Manager is required.