Service providers : Subcontractors : Working with... : Ending outsourcing agreements and re-outsourcing
Ending outsourcing agreements and re-outsourcing
There may be scenarios where you want to make changes to an active Outsourcing agreement, such as changing the end date to make the contractual maintenance work available for re-outsourcing.
Ending an Outsourcing agreement is irreversible!
In this scenario, Outsourced maintenance proposals are already generated and Outsourced assignments (contract lines) and contract activity definitions are linked to the outsourcing agreement that you want to end.
1. Go to Customer contracts > Service agreements > Outsourcing agreements and select the relevant outsourcing agreement.
2. Navigate to the Evaluation periods step to check how many evaluation periods exist and what their start and end dates are.
3. Navigate to Outsourced maintenance proposals and do the same check for the existing proposals.
4. Return to Service agreements > Outsourcing agreements and select the relevant the outsourcing agreement.
5. On the action panel, click Ended.
A warning is displayed that this action is irreversible.
6. Click OK to proceed.
7. Select an end date for the outsourcing agreement and click OK.
You can only select an end date that has not yet passed and that falls within the original period of the outsourcing agreement.
8. Return to Outsourced maintenance proposals and note that all future proposals have been deleted.
•    Proposals with a start date that is earlier and an end date that is later than the date you just selected, will also be deleted.
•    Proposals with linked terminated Outsourced assignment contract lines are not deleted, since they are not 'operational' anyway.
•    The end date you select cannot be earlier than any existing (active) linked Outsourced assignment contract lines. Either select a date after the end date of those active outsourced assignments, or terminate all outsourced assignments (affected by the date).
9. Navigate to Customer contracts to create a new outsourcing agreement for a different subcontractor.
10. Link the agreement to the pre-existing contract activity definitions, and set its status to Active.
11. Generate Outsourced maintenance proposals.
The new outsourcing agreement is now outsourced to another subcontractor.