Service providers : Subcontractors : Working with... : Terminating outsourced assignments with adjustable payment schedules
Terminating outsourced assignments with adjustable payment schedules
In cases where subcontractors are unable to finish the work within their contractual obligations, you can terminate the Outsourced assignment contract line. After that, the work can be re-outsourced.
If the outsourced assignments that you want to end have flexible payment arrangements it is also possible to terminate them.
Use the following procedure to terminate an outsourced assignment with an adjustable payment schedule and calculate any remaining financial commitments:
1. Go to Subcontractor contracts and select the relevant subcontractor and contract.
2. Go to Contract lines and select the outsourced assignment that you want to terminate.
The outsourced assignment has adjustable payment schedules activated.
3. On the action panel, select Terminated.
4. In the Question dialog, select Yes to set the end date as suggested, or select No to select a different end date.
A dialog is displayed, asking you to confirm that you will terminate the contract line on the selected date.
5. Click OK to proceed.
6. Next, navigate to Contract line details > Payment schedules and check which payment schedules have remained.
7. Select the Financial commitments selection step and check which financial commitments have remained.
Based on the termination date and the recalculations made by Planon, a financial commitment of the type ADJUSTABLE_RECONCILE is now added to the list, if applicable. Depending on the way the payment schedule was set up, this reconciliation commitment is the amount that:
you still owe to the subcontractor;
must be paid back by the subcontractor to you (the service provider organization), because you made payments in advance.
If you terminate an outsourced assignment with linked orders and maintenance activities you will receive a warning, so that you can decide how to proceed.