Service providers : Subcontractors : Working with... : Adding outsourcing agreements to a customer contract
Adding outsourcing agreements to a customer contract
During negotiations between Service Provider and customer, an agreement is made about which activities will be outsourced to a subcontractor, and for which period.
1. Go to the Customer contracts TSI > Customers and select the relevant customer.
2. At Contracts, select the relevant customer contract.
3. At Service contract lines, select the contract line to which you want to add an outsourcing agreement.
4. Go to Service agreements > Outsourcing agreements.
5. On the action panel, click Add.
6. Complete the fields in the data panel.
For information on the available fields, refer to Outsourcing agreement fields.
7. Click Save.
The outsourcing agreement is added with default status Inactive.
8. On the action panel, click Link contract activity definitions.
Use the Assets quick filter, to filter out contract activity definitions that are based on assets linked to the contract service plan.
When linking contract activity definitions to outsourcing agreements, 'unavailable' activity definitions - those which are already linked to another agreement during the same period - are not displayed in the Available section of the dialog box.
9. In the dialog, select the contract activity definitions that must be used to generate outsourced maintenance proposals and click OK.
10. On the action panel, select Active, to activate the outsourcing agreement.