Core TSIs : Strategic Space Planning : Working with Strategic Space Planning : Calculating the adjacency fit per scenario and period
Calculating the adjacency fit per scenario and period
Goal: To populate the Adjacency fit field with the average fit for all periods in the scenario.
To calculate the average Adjacency fit per period, proceed as follows.
1. Go to the Scenarios TSI and select the project and the scenario to which you have copied new planning data using the SSP Graphical planner.
2. Click the Calculate adjacency fit button on the action menu.
A dialog box appears in which you must select a period.
3. Select a period and click OK.
4. The adjacency fit for the selected period and scenario is calculated and stored in the Adjacency fit field. The Comment field will also specify a date-time stamped adjacency fit per SSP location and the average for all locations.
5. Repeat calculating the adjacency fit for all relevant periods.
The results can be viewed in the Comment field.