Core TSIs : Spaces and Moves Scenario Planning : Spaces and Moves Scenario Planning - Concepts : Spaces and moves scenario planning project statuses
Spaces and moves scenario planning project statuses
An SMSP project's process includes following statuses:
The project is set to the Prepare status by default. You can assign comparison profiles and create scenarios to the project.
Compute Scenario
After scanning all scenarios, the baseline scenario must be computed to create baseline data for the SMSP project. A scenario should be computed after computing the Baseline scenario. In order to compute a scenario, the project's status must first be set to Compute Scenario.
After changing the project's status, the Compute scenario action becomes available at the Space and move scenario level's action menu. After computing, actual space/asset related data available in Planon on the specified reference date is retrieved and changes per scenario are computed and compared to the baseline. The data in the Snapshot Scenario - Items selection step is created while computing the baseline and the scenario. After computing the scenario, the locations are registered at the Scenario items locations selection step with information on the location of the assets/spaces on the specified reference date.
If the project is moved back to the Prepare status, the baseline data and the snapshot items data will be removed.
After computing a scenario, the project must be set to the Compare status in order to be able to run the Spaces and moves scenarios report. The baseline data and scenarios cannot be changed in this status. This status makes sure that the data is frozen and cannot be modified while comparing.
After the selected scenario is imported, the project's status must be changed to Completed. All the scenario data displayed in the Scenario items, Scenario items locations and Snapshot Scenario - Items selection steps will be removed.