Spaces and moves scenario statuses
The spaces and moves scenario process includes the following statuses:
A scenario's status is set to the Initial status by default while creating it. The floor mappings are linked to a scenario in this status.
In Progress
When a scenario is ready to be scanned, its status must be set to In Progress. The Scan scenario action now becomes available in the action menu. Upon selecting Scan scenario, the system scans the drawings which are mapped at the Scenario drawing – Floor mapping selection step. The space and asset related data retrieved from the drawing after scanning is displayed at the Scenario items and Scenario items locations selection steps at Scenario details. A scenario is computed by changing the status to Compute Scenario. The scanned scenario data is compared with the baseline data.
In this status, you can compare scenarios by running the Spaces and moves scenarios report.
*When a scenario is scanned and computed, the date/time of the scan and the date/time of the compute are registered in the time stamp.
When a scenario's status is changed from In Progress to Initial, all the scanned data in the Scenario items and Scenario items locations selection steps will be removed.
After the best fitting scenario is finalized for your organization, you have to change its status to Promoted to promote the scenario. When a scenario is promoted, all other scenarios under the same project will be canceled automatically.
Import Scenario
After the selected scenario is promoted, you can import it into Planon by changing its status to Import Scenario. Planon then updates the space usages and assets on the effective move date set on the project. The changed configuration or data per promoted scenario drawing and a list of move requests is created in the Move Management TSI in Planon.
A scenario’s status can be changed to Canceled at any point during the process.