Spaces and moves scenarios
A scenario is a set of drawings with .dwg, or .dxf extensions that allows you to compare space or asset related data for floor/property combinations on a proposed date with the existing data in Planon on the same date. While creating a scenario the following information is specified:
The CAD import definition to scan the drawings. The CAD drawing definitions are specified automatically. The CAD import definition defines details such as the location of the drawings to be imported, creation of .orj files from the .dwg drawings, importing of assets, resuming or removing the spaces. The CAD drawing definition defines the relation between the data in Planon ProCenter and the information in the AutoCAD drawing. You can define the entities in the drawing so that you can map them onto the Planon ProCenter business objects.
The Scenario drawings inbox to specify the location for the scenario import files. All the scenario related drawings and reference drawings are maintained in the ‘ScenarioInbox’ (Scenario drawing inbox) folder.
The SMSP project to which the scenario must be linked.
Whether the scenario should be included for comparison in the Include for Comparison field.
The Computed date
The Scanned date
For more information on each field, refer to Spaces and moves scenario fields.