Retrieving services and SLAs
The Addresses > SLA overview TSI allows you to easily retrieve the services and SLAs that are available for a specific property, department, order group etc.
1. Start Addresses > SLA overview.
2. Drill down from the relevant selection levels or steps. For example, you want an overview of the SLAs for a specific property in combination with an order group.
3. At Properties, select the property for which you want an overview of SLAs.
4. Move to SLA filters > Order groups.
5. Select the order group you want to use as filter.
6. Go to Service Level Agreements .
The elements list displays the SLAs whose SLA scope contains the property and the order group you selected.
Repeat this with other combinations and filters available on the layout.
At the SLA scopes selection level, you can use a filter to further refine your search. It is very important to find out whether the scope is correctly defined or no double scopes are defined.
For details on creating and using filters, see Fundamentals .