Adding SLA contract lines
You can create an SLA contract line using the following procedure.
1. Go to Contract Management > Contracts.
2. Select the service contract for which you want to create SLA contract line(s). You can also use this for lease contracts.
3. Go to Contract details.
4. On the action menu, click Add SLA contract lines.
5. In the data section, complete the relevant fields. For a description of these fields, refer to Contract Management > Contract line data.
6. However, for an SLA contract line, complete the Internal SLA (Y/N) field. This Yes/No field enables you to specify if the SLA is internal or external.
7. Click Save. An SLA contract line is added to the contract.
8. To link SLAs of type internal/external to the SLA contract line, on the action menu, click Link SLAs. You can only link SLAs of the correct type.
9. Move the internal/external SLAs to the In use section.
You can view the linked contract lines at Contract line details > Linked SLAs.
If you copy cost details of the SLA, you can still specify your own costs at SLA scopes & activities level > SLA contract line costs. When costs are specified here, they will be applied rather than the costs specified at the SLA. Alternatively, you can use the amounts per year.