Application management : Configuration : Resource Planner Configurations : Additional configuration information : Configuring the tabs of the Resource planner slide-out panel
Configuring the tabs of the Resource planner slide-out panel
With the correct license and configuration it is possible to configure order details on a separate slide-out panel within Resource Planner. This will save planners the trouble of going to the Work Orders TSI to view this data.
You can configure the display of details on planned or unplanned work in Resource Planner, for example the display of order lines and communication logs.
1. Go to ProCenter modules > TSIs .
2. On the elements panel, select the Resource Planner TSI (In Planon Accelerator: Core - Resource Planner).
3. Click the padlock symbol to set the TSI under construction.
4. Select the Resource planner details tab.
5. At the selection steps, click the plus sign.
the Add or remove steps dialog opens.
6. Select the steps you want to display as tabs on the Resource Planner slide-out panel and click OK.
7. Click the padlock symbol to set the TSI to Completed.
8. Log out and log in to Planon ProCenter to view the result in the Resource Planner TSI.
The following step can be configured especially for the Service providers solution mode: Subcontractor lines.