Resource allocations
Planon offers the additional licensed Resource allocations feature, to enable 'bulk planning' of work assignments. The feature allows you to pre-allocate specific periods to the available resources or teams on the graphical planner. Later, when you start with the actual planning, you can 'drag' work from the Unplanned panel into these allocated periods.
Typical use cases for Resource allocations: pre-allocation of a resource's or a team's working time to projects in specific buildings or to specific customers.
In the standard Resource planner you 'plan' the work by dragging an order from the Unplanned panel onto a resource (internal tradesperson / field engineer) on the planboard. A work assignment is subsequently created in the given time slot. With a Resource allocations license, you can drag multiple orders from the Unplanned panel to a pre-allocated time slot, i.e. a resource allocation, and thus create multiple work assignments there. If you select the resource allocation on the planboard, the Allocated panel is activated, displaying these work assignments. See Resource Planner screen layout for a screen overview.
The Allocated panel is unavailable (grayed out) to unlicensed users.
Planon calculates how many working hours are left within selected resource allocation and displays the remaining hours in a tooltip. Once the work is assigned, the resources themselves have control over which work assignment they pick up first within the allocated period(s).
You can configure and use the Resource allocations feature directly in Resource planner. On the planboard, a wizard will guide you through the planning and scheduling process. See Adding resource allocations and resource allocation periods for information about adding Resource allocations.
The Resource allocations feature also includes a separate, supporting Resource allocations TSI. This TSI allows planners to add, edit and delete resource allocations (it includes the same functionality as the graphical planner), but the main purpose of this TSI is monitoring resource allocations and reporting on them. Planon application managers can add this TSI to the appropriate navigation panel(s).
For information on configuring Resource allocations, see Configuring resource allocations.