Core TSIs : Reservations : Working with the new Reservations TSI and planboard : Configuring the new reservations planboard
Configuring the new reservations planboard
The Graphical planner is available by default in the Reservations TSI. If you want to use the new reservations planboard, you have to configure the new Reservations TSI (ENTRY_RESERVATIONS). Go through the following steps:
Add the Reservations TSI (ENTRY_RESERVATIONS) to the navigation panel.
Add the Reservation units TSI (ENTRY_RESERVATION_UNITS) to the navigation panel.
Add the Desk setup types (ENTRY_DESK_SETUP_TYPES) and Facility categories (ENTRY_FACILITY_CATEGORIES) TSIs to the navigation panel. These TSIs enable you to add new desk configurations and facilities in your organization that can be used in the new Reservations planboard.
Add the Reservation unit tariff groups (ENTRY_RESERVATION_UNIT_TARIFF_GROUPS) and Reservation arrangements (ENTRY_RESERVATION_ARRANGEMENTS) TSIs to the navigation panel. These TSIs enable end-users to add costs related to the reservation unit / reservation in the Reservation cost specifications pop-up (when adding a reservation).
In Layouts , make sure that the actions Add space units, Add asset units and Add flexible workspace units are added to the respective layouts (ReservationSpaceUnit, ReservationInventoryUnit, FlexibleWorkspace). These actions allow end-users to add the three types of reservation units (space units, asset units and flexible workspace units) in the Reservation units TSI, at the Reservation units selection level.
For more information on configuring TSIs, layouts and navigation panels etc, see Configuration and settings in the user documentation.