Reservation cost logic
Calculation algorithm
The tariff count is given by the maximum number for which DateCharged < End date along with the following.
For the first calculation highest applicable period: DateCharged = (StartDate-1day) + TariffCount * <period>
For the subsequent calculations (lower applicable periods): DateCharged = DateCharged (after previous period) + TariffCount * <period>
The following are some of the other points to be considered.
The DateCharged is the date through which the costs are charged. Initially the DateCharged = StartDate - 1 day.
In case the DateCharged is not a valid date (for example; Feb 30), the DateCharged is set to the previous valid day (for example; Feb 28).
For a year, month or week calculation, only full days (both chargeable AND non-chargeable) are taken into account. This means that the StartTime and EndTime of the reservation are not considered.
For a day, daypart (morning/afternoon/night) or hour tariff calculation, only chargeable days are taken into account. This means nonchargeable days are not incorporated.
A period is applicable when a tariff is defined for that period.
When you rent a car on February 1 for 1 month, you need to return it before March 1, 0:00 hours. If the end date/time of the reservation is before this time, then you have rented the car for less than 1 month. This means the reservation ends before March 1, 0:00 hours. Now, the rent cannot be charged for full month and the MonthlyTariffCount = 0.
These images helps you to understand the reservation cost flow in detail.
Calculation flow
Flowchart showing the flow of calculation for reservation costFlowchart showing the flow of calculation for reservation cost
Calculation on start day flow
Flowchart showing the flow of calculation on the start day for reservation costFlowchart showing the flow of calculation on the start day for reservation cost
Calculation of remaining full days flow
Flowchart showing the flow of calculation for remaining full days for reservation cost