Using slashes in expressions
In Expression builder there is a way for using slashes in expressions.
Your configurations includes the fields:
Field name
File name
Suppose you want to include a file path reference in your report including the server name, the server directory, and the file name, separated by a single backslash.
1. Select the business object for which you want to generate a report.
2. Select a record in the element list and click Report on the action menu.
The Reporting window appears.
3. Add a new report, and click Add expression.
The Expression panel appears.
4. Construct your expression:
Enter "\\" + and double-click on the Server field to add it to the expression.
Enter + substring("\\", 1, 1)+ and double-click on the Directory field to add it to the expression.
Enter + substring("\\", 1, 1)+ and double-click on the File name field to add it to the expression.
The complete expression (built on Communication logs) is:
"\\" + 'Communication logs'.Server + substring("\\", 1, 1) + 'Communication logs'.Directory + substring("\\", 1, 1) + 'Communication logs'.File name
5. Close the Expression builder, and click Preview in the Reporting window.
The report preview displays the following output: \\server\directory\filename.pdf