Answer option fields
Enter a code for the answer option.
Enter a description for the answer option. The same description can be entered in various languages in the Translated name fields.

You can modify the field values of multiple answers by using Modify within selection.
Select a question from the list for which you want to create answer options.
If you select a multiple choice single select question, the answer options will be of the radio button type.
If you select a multiple choice multiselect question, the answer options will be of the check box type.
Default value
Select Yes to display the answer option as the initial value for the selected question.
This field is only relevant for questionnaires of the E: Last minute risk assessment type. Select Yes to make an answer option 'blocking' in the AppSuite > My jobs > EHS wizard. If a field engineer selects a blocking answer option in the wizard, it will be impossible to start / continue work on the order.
Score value
Enter a score value for the answer option.
Sequence number
Enter any number between 0 and 9999 (inclusive). The sequence number is used to display answers according to the given sequence.
Translated name
This section allows you to enter translations for the answer options.
Users can see the answer options in the language that is selected for their user account.
In order to enable translations, you must select the Is user-translatable property of the business object in Field definer.