Question fields
Answer options details
The Answer options details field shows the linked answer options of a question. Use the Add answer options button to add new answer options. You can change data per answer option. To delete an answer option: click the red cross icon next to the answer option you want to delete. For more information, see Adding questions and Adding answer options.
Enter a code for the question.
Default value
Allows you to input default answer to a question. For the date/time and time questions, you can use macros allowed by Planon ProCenter to input the default values.
For example, for the question, ‘What is the current date and time,’ the default answer can be provided by the macro &DATETIME which displays current date time.
For more information on macros, refer to Relative date-time filters in Fundamentals.
Note that the &CODEGEN macro is not supported.
Enter a description for the question. The same description can be entered in the Translated name field.
Select Yes to make the question mandatory in the linked questionnaire. No is selected by default.
Maximum score value
Enter a maximum score value for a question. This value is used to restrict the score for a question.
If the total score of a question exceeds maximum score value, this will be taken as the score value.
Options will have score
Select Yes to have scores for options.
This field is only available for single select and multi-select question types.
If a question definition has at least one answer with a score, then all answers must have scores.
Question alias
This alias field is exclusively and specifically intended to reduce the dependency between any applicable decision rules and questions.
If you create a new question for a questionnaire it will get a unique code, but the ‘alias’ that you define here for the decision rule can be re-used.
Score method
Select a method to score open questions of type: Single line / Multi line text, Date-time, Decimal or Integer.
The score is calculated based on the option selected from the following list.
Fixed score – Displays non-editable score field on the questionnaire form.
Open score – Displays editable score field on the questionnaire form.
No score – Score field will not be displayed on the questionnaire form.
Single select option type
Select if the single select option should be Radio button group or Combo box group.
Enter a tag to filter the questions in the elements list. This way you can quickly find your way through a large set of questions. You can enter up to 30 characters in this field (spaces are allowed). For more information on searching and filtering in Planon, see Searching / filtering.
Make sure that the field attribute Simple selection is set to Yes for the Tag field, so that it is available as a search criterion in all relevant search bars. For more information, see Field attributes.
Translated name
This section allows you to enter translations for the questions.
A user can see the questions in the language that is selected for his/her user account.
To enable translations, you must select Is user-translatable on the business object in Field definer.