Core TSIs : Purchasing :
Purchasing - Concepts
: Purchase item receipt
Purchase item receipt
Registering the receipt of purchase items is called Purchase item receipts.
When the purchase items are received from a supplier, their receipt can be registered in Planon. You can create Purchase item receipts in the Purchasing or Work Orders TSIs.
A receipt is linked to a purchase order and receipt lines are created for each purchase order line when an item is received. You can issue the received products only if the receipt is in the Confirmed status.
However, if the items ordered have been partially received and the receipt has already been given the Confirmed status, you can add a new receipt with a receipt line for the items yet to be received.
You can easily register receipts of purchased products directly on a purchase order. The system will pre-fill as much data as possible, in order to save time entering receipts (compared to entering receipts/receipt lines in the 'usual' manner in the edit grid on the related levels).