Observations on Properties
Observations made on buildings and/or corporate assets can be part of an official assessment in the Planon ProCenter > Assessments and observations TSI, but they can also be registered independently. In addition, observations can also be added in TSIs that are related to the Assessments and observations TSI, such as the Properties and Property details and the Assets TSIs.
In Planon ProCenter , observations relate to things that have corporate value such as:
properties (buildings or wings / annexes),
spaces (offices, meeting rooms, technical spaces etc.)
assets (such as office furniture and other inventory items, mechanical and electrical installations and building elements like tiles or frames).
The Observations selection step in a related TSI, like Properties and Property details , behaves 'smartly'. It displays all observations that are directly related to the selected property, but it also displays the observations on items that are indirectly related, such as the spaces and assets in the selected property.
In the Assessments and observations TSI, on the Results > Observations selection level, you can register your observations that are part of an assessment, as well as independent observations. Go to Assessments for more information on working with this TSI.