Core TSIs : Projects : Working with Projects : Rescheduling summary WBS items with dependencies
Rescheduling summary WBS items with dependencies
You can change the start date or end date of a summary WBS item and its subitems, while taking into account any dependencies that may exist between WBS subitems or between the summary WBS item and other (summary) WBS items.
There is a two day finish-to-start (FS) dependency between WBS item 1 and WBS item 2. WBS item 1 lasts two days longer than anticipated. Because WBS item 2 is a summary WBS item, WBS subitems with the same planned start date are also postponed. Due to the FS dependency between WBS item 2.1 and WBS item 2.2, WBS item 2.2 is also postponed. WBS item 2.3 has no dependencies and is therefore not changed. There was originally a margin of two days between 2.2 and 2.3, so the end date of the summary does not have to change.
WBS item 2.1 needs to start two days earlier than planned, 01/03 instead of 01/06. To achieve this, a constraint start date of 01/03 is set on WBS item 2.1, the first WBS item of the summary. Because there is a dependency between summary WBS item 1 and WBS item 2, in which WBS item 2 is the successor, this dependency now has a conflict that is flagged.