Moving projects
You can move an entire project forward or backward in time, including all the WBS items and the constraint dates.
If the project's planned start date is changed, then all the planned start dates and planned end dates of the corresponding WBS items are moved forward or backward by taking the difference in working hours into account.
Also, all the constraint dates are moved taking the working hours into account.
1. At the Projects selection level, select one of the available projects.
2. On the action panel, click Move project.
The Enter values dialog box appears.
3. In the New planned start date field, select the project's new start date.
4. In the Move sub projects field, select Yes or No.
The project including its sub projects, WBS items and dependencies (if applicable), is moved.
The intended start date of a project is 1st January 2023. However, this project is re-scheduled to start on 1st April 2023. When you enter the new start date and save it, the start and end dates of the corresponding WBS items will be moved forward by taking the difference in working hours into account.