Products includes the products you supply within your organization, together with the accompanying data. Products can be assigned either to a Product group and/or a Purchase group.
In Planon ProCenter, products are filtered into product groups and purchase groups at the Filters level.
Only those item groups that have the Purchase group and Product group fields set to Yes in Supporting data are available in the Product groups and Purchase groups steps in the Products TSI.
In Planon ProCenter Products , you can add two types of products:
Products that can be requested. For example, pens, desks, laptops and so on. A product that can be requested from the catalog must be linked to a purchasable product in order to purchase it.
Products that can both be requested and purchased from a supplier.
Where can you add product requisitions in Planon ProCenter?
In Planon ProCenter, product requisitions can be added in all places where you can create orders. For example in:
Work Orders
Service desk
Product store (Planon Self-Service)
Planned Maintenance
Service Scheduler