Service providers : Product unit pricing : Concepts : Contract price list : Applicability - properties and product prices
Applicability - properties and product prices
In addition to creating a contract price list (by linking a customer contract to a Unit price list), you can also configure to which properties the contract price list should apply. This will determine how subsequent product price calculations are processed by the system.
In the Applicability field, you can make a setting to either apply the contract price list generically by selecting all or to a specific set of properties. See Contract price lists - fields for more information.
By setting the contract price list's applicability to specific, the contract price list will exclusively be targeted to the linked properties when calculating product prices for the customer. When it is set to All, it applies to all properties that are linked to the contract lines of the contract.
If multiple contract price lists are linked to a customer contract, make sure that any properties and products linked to these price lists do not have conflicting valid periods, due to overlaps between their start and end dates, as this may ultimately lead to revenues not being generated.