Platform : Platform apps : Apps Management : Updating apps : Checking for and installing updates
Checking for and installing updates
Whenever there is a new version available of an app, this information is registered in the Planon Marketplace.
If this is the case, you will receive a notification in your AppCenter.
This notification will be displayed when clicking on an app for which an upgrade is available.
1. When you have installed an app in your AppCenter, you can configure and activate a scheduled task to check every 6 hours (minimum) whether an update is available.
The name of the system task is: SYS_APPS_CHECK_FOR_UPDATE. This task will run in the background.
2. If an update is available, the field Update available is set to Yes and an exclamation mark appears next to the app's icon in the elements list.
If the app version is verified by the partner for this specific version of Planon ProCenter, the Verified field is set to Yes and the color of the corresponding icon will be green. If not, it is orange. For more information, see: App icon color.
The value visible here is determined by the scheduled task and does not necessarily reflect the current status.
3. To install the update, switch the app to Inactive and click Update app in the action panel.
The update will be installed.
4. When the update is installed, switch the app back to Active.