Platform : Platform apps : Apps Management : App usage report
App usage report
A report that provides an overview of components implemented by apps.
The report information can be useful to customers - it provides an overview of all app components and where they are located so that they can be tested after upgrading or after moving an instance in a DTAP street (from DEV to ACC).
How to access the report:
1. In AppCenter, on the action panel, click Report.
The Reporting window opens
2. Click the System reports tab and select the App usage report.
3. Click Preview & print to view the output.
The report consists of multiple sections describing each component in detail:
List of apps
Extensions (server)
Business rules and the BOs for which these are configured.
Type P stands for Predefined, Type C stands for Reusable.
Extended actions (TSI actions)
JAX-RS endpoints
Talk workers
Platform workers are included in the report to be able to quickly see where app workers are configured.
Scheduled tasks
To be able to quickly see which app has included scheduled tasks.
App usage reportApp usage report