Rent To units
For Rent To units, it is recommended to create a difference between intercompany Rent To units, Internal Rent To unit and External Rent To unit.
UdBOs must be configured for this difference to show relevant fields and authorize them. Intercompany Rent To units are completely consumed and will always be a sub of a Rent From unit (regular or intercompany) and a parent for an Intercompany Rent From unit. Rent To units (Internal or External) are created in Planon and must be activated with a status change to be sent to SAP. They should be a sub of the Rent From unit (either regular or intercompany).
Reference to a user-defined list that must be connected to SAP code list mapping.
Could be set-up as derived from the parent Rent From unit
Occupancy code
Will be updated if there are linked Contracts in the Preparation (Option) or Active (Rented) status of a Contract. Will remain ‘Vacant’ if no Contract is linked. For Rent To unit Internal this value is not relevant. For Intercompany, it should also be considered to be always ‘Rented’, as there must be a Contract linked to this unit.
Application type - rentable unit
System picklist which is used to determine the difference between Intercompany (R), External (E) and Internal (I). Could be hidden as part of the UdBO-for Internal and External. For Intercompany, the value is consumed.
System status (only relevant for Internal and External Rent To units)
System status
Changes can be done, no exchange to SAP.
Exchange to SAP.
Checks whether the End date field has a value as this date ends the validity in SAP. No updates are sent.