Planon IoT : Planon IoT : About Planon IoT : Digital twins : Finding business objects with digital twins
Finding business objects with digital twins
In TSIs that support business objects with digital twins, you can quickly find out which of these business objects are linked to a digital twin, by applying a step action filter.
The selected business objects must support digital twins. The following business objects currently meet this criterion: Assets, Floors, Properties, Property zones, Rentable units, Reservation units, Spaces, Workspaces.
The Show [...] with digital twins step action must be made available on the elements list of this business object. You can configure this step action in TSIs: see Linked step actions.
In the following procedure, the Assets Pro TSI and the Assets business object are taken as an example, but the same procedure can be applied to any of the other business objects supporting digital twins.
1. Go to Assets Pro and navigate to the Assets selection step.
2. At the top of the Base assets elements list, click the Show assets with digital twins step action to activate the filter.
Assets with a digital twin are filtered out.