Planon IoT : Planon IoT : About Planon IoT : Digital twins : Deleting a digital twin definition
Deleting a digital twin definition
By deleting a digital twin definition, you also delete the digital twin, group templates and rules.
When deleting a digital twin definition, you not only purge rules and templates, but also physically delete historic data of your digital twins.
1. Go to Digital twin definitions (user) and select the digital twin definition you want to delete.
2. On the action panel, click Delete.
A confirmation message appears.
3. Click OK to continue.
If your digital twin definition is in use, another confirmation message appears.
4. If you are absolutely sure, click OK to continue.
All related data will be purged. On the Planon application side, the linked digital twins are removed. On the IoT plaform side, the digital twins are actually deleted.