Planon IoT : Planon IoT : About Planon IoT : Digital twins : Creating a digital twin definition
Creating a digital twin definition
A digital twin created in the Planon application will be mirrored to a digital twin in the IoT Platform .
This requires a digital twin definition, which allows you to create and manage your digital twin.
1. Go to Digital twins definitions (user) and click Add in the action panel.
2. Fill out the fields
Enter a name for your definition.
Business object
Link the business object type for which you are creating this definition.
Group template (ID)
When linked to a digital twin in the IoT Platform , this field will display the unique ID of the digital twin counterpart.
Here you can select the Smart Utility Metering use case app.
App name
Displays the app name.
(Managed by a partner).
App module name
Describes an app module. (Managed by a partner).
Partner identifier
Uniquely identifies a Partner.
Is a combination of the customer (name), and partner concatenated with a dot (.).
Update required?
Indicates whether a new version is available for the digital twin's system app.
If this is the case, click Synchronize with IoT platform to update the digital twin definition. This will ensure that the latest settings are synchronized.