Core TSIs : Planned Maintenance : Work balancing in the graphical planner : Outlining an activity's start date-time in the graphical planner
Outlining an activity's start date-time in the graphical planner
Instead of dragging and dropping an activity to reschedule it, you can also manually enter an activity's start date-time and thus outline it on the graphical planner. This method provides greater accuracy. You can also select multiple activities within the same iteration and outline their start date-times in one go. In that case, the selected activities must have the same maintenance regime and scheduling method. Also, there should be no orders generated yet for these activities.
1. Go to Maintenance Planner.
2. Make relevant selections on the various preceding levels and then go to Definitions & schedules.
3. Click the Graphical planner button.
4. In the graphical planner, select the single activity (click), multiple activities (CTRL+click) or activity sequence (right-click, followed by clicking Select future activities) whose start date-time(s) you want to adjust.
Refer to Selecting future activities in the graphical planner for information on selecting an activity's future sequence.
5. Right-click and select Outline activities.
This option is not available if orders have been generated for the activity.
6. From the date picker, select a new start date-time for the activity.
If you selected a sequence of activities, the first activity is the reference. All future occurrences are rescheduled with the same interval as the first activity in the sequence.
If you selected activities with different start dates, the activity on which you start the outline will be used as reference and all other activities will be moved with same offset.
Activity 1 = on January 1st.
Activity 2 = on January 5th.
Select both activity dates in the graphical planner.
- Outlining Activity 1 to 1 February will move Activity 2 to 5 February (offset = +4 days)
- Outlining Activity 2 to 1 February will move Activity 1 to 28 January (offset = -4 days)
The activities are rescheduled to their new date-time.
See Moving multiple activities in the graphical planner for information about moving a sequence of activities on the planner.