Core TSIs : Planned Maintenance : Work balancing in the graphical planner : Graphical display of activities - legend
Graphical display of activities - legend
The following image shows the various shapes and colors that maintenance activities on the graphical planner can have. The shapes, colors and shades denote the activity type, scheduling method, status and so on:
Click the Legend button in the header to retrieve a legend explaining the meaning of the various shapes and colors:
Screen capture of button to open the legend
Screen capture of the Maintenance planner legend explaining the various activity colors and shapes
In the graphical planner, a shape represents the Activity type and the color represents the Scheduling method:
Flat rectangle: indicates that an activity is Overruled.
Cross: indicates that an activity is Canceled / Deactivated / Postponed.
Solid fill: indicates that orders are generated for a maintenance activity definition.
The various Status icons of generated maintenance activities are also explained in the legend:
Screen capture of the Maintenance planner legend explaining the Activity status icons i