Core TSIs : Personnel : Working with personnel : Linking a visitor to a reservation
Linking a visitor to a reservation
When adding new visitors, you can directly link them to a reservation from the Reservations , for example if the visitors are participants for a course or a meeting.
Visitors that are linked to a reservation, are automatically visible in the Reservations , at the Reservations details > Visitors selection step.
1. Add a visitor in the Visitors selection level.
2. Complete the fields in the data panel.
3. Select the Swap reservation option from the action panel.
The Enter values window is displayed.
4. In the Meeting field, select the reservation to which you want to link the visitor concerned and click OK.
The Enter values window displays again.
5. In the Enter values window, click OK.
If a visitor has already been linked to a reservation but you want to change the reservation the visitor is linked to, you can use the Swap reservation option to select another reservation.