Apps : Planon app : PMFS : PMFS workflow - Work assignments from start to finish : Accepting and starting a work assignment : Working with PPM work assignments, maintenance activities and checklists
Working with PPM work assignments, maintenance activities and checklists
If you select a work assignment that is part of a PPM order (planned maintenance order), this order usually consists of various parts that have to be completed in a particular sequence:
The actual PPM order may include one or more work assignments, each with one or more maintenance activities.
Each maintenance activity may have checklist items linked that must be acknowledged while the maintenance activity is in progress.
1. On the overview page, select the PPM work assignment you want to pick up.
2. View the data and select Accept.
3. If applicable, select Travel to allow for traveling time.
4. When ready to start work, select Work.
5. On the Edit 'Work' page make the necessary edits and select Submit.
You are directed to the Summary page.
6. View the General information tab
7. Go to the Activity tab to see the maintenance activity/-ies for this assignment.
8. Select a maintenance activity and view the available information blocks.
When you select a specific information block, you are directed to the detailed information.
9. Before you start working on the maintenance activity, select the Checklist block / button to open and view the checklist.
Before a maintenance activity is set to the Work status, you can only view the checklist items; after it is set to Work you can actually select a status for an item.
10. While working on the maintenance activity, go through the checklist and select a relevant status for each item:
Assessed with observation
Screen capture of 'Assessed with observation' button for checklist
or Done
Screen capture of 'Done' button for checklist
Unable to assess
Screen capture of 'Unable to asses' button for checklist
11. Enter a reason and / or comment per checklist item as required and select Submit.
12. Repeat steps 9-11 for any other maintenance activities.
13. Select the appropriate next action: Back to activity / Complete activity / Complete checklist.
The action button that is shown depends on how many maintenance activities are linked to the PPM order (one or multiple) and whether all these activities have already been completed or not.
14. When the maintenance activity is /maintenance activities are completed, select Done.
If not all checklist items are set to Done yet, the following message is displayed:
15. Click Cancel if you want to return to the activity.
16. Click Proceed if you want to complete the maintenance activity /-ies although some checklist items are not set to Done.
You are directed to the Edit 'Done' page where you can enter relevant information on the completion of the work.
An app setting applies to the completion of maintenance activities with unacknowledged mandatory checklist items. If this setting does not allow the completion of maintenance activities in such cases, you cannot proceed. If the setting does allow it, you can complete the maintenance activity. In that case, a second setting determines whether unacknowledged checklist items are set to Done or to Not assessed upon the completion of the work assignment. Which settings apply, depends on your configuration. Contact your Planon administrator in case of questions.
17. Select Next.
18. On the Engineer's overview page, check the details and select Next.
19. If applicable, fill in the Sign-off page and select Submit.
The work assignment disappears from the overview and is returned to the back-office