Apps : Planon app : PMFS : Push notifications
Push notifications
Whenever new work is assigned to you or to your team, you will receive a push notification on the app. The same will happen when important changes are made to existing work assignments on your device.
•    Selecting a push notification about new assigned work will open the app and after log-in, open work assignment in the Work assignments module.
•    Selecting a push notification about revoked work by the back-office will open the app and once logged-in, remove the revoked work assignment from the app (refresh the list).
•    Selecting push notifications about updated comments (new communication logs) will open the app and once logged-in, direct you to the summary page of the corresponding work assignment.
The following overview lists the push notifications you might receive and what action is required (if any):
Push notification
Assigning individual work
Work assignment '{0:OrderNumber}, {1:OrderDescription}' is assigned to you.
Select the push notification to refresh your screen and to display the work assignment. Accept the work assignment if it suits your schedule.
Assigning team work
Work assignment '{0:OrderNumber}, {1:OrderDescription}' is assigned to your team.
Select the push notification to refresh your screen and to display the work assignment. Accept the work assignment if it suits your schedule.
Assigning team work
Another team member has already accepted this work assignment: {0:OrderNumber}, {1:OrderDescription}.
Select the push notification to refresh your screen and remove the work assignment from your device.
Updated comment on work assignment
A comment was added to this order: {0:OrderNumber}, {1:OrderDescription}.
Select the push notification to refresh your screen and display the updated Comments block of the work assignment.
Revoking work
This work assignment was revoked by the back office: {0:OrderNumber}, {1:OrderDescription}.
Select the push notification to refresh your screen and to remove the revoked work assignment from your device.
Revoking team work
This team work assignment was revoked by the back office: {0:OrderNumber}, {1:OrderDescription}.
Refresh you screen to remove the work assignment from your device.