Core TSIs : Multiple Time Zones : Multiple Time Zone Settings : Linking time zones to properties and users
Linking time zones to properties and users
Proceed as follows to attribute a time zone to all users and all properties:
1. Go toAccounts > User groups > User group detailsselection level and link a time zone to each user in the Time zone field. Use the Modify within selection option to link a time zone to users who should be in the same time zone.
A warning will be displayed if the selected time zone is not supported. The following time zones are not supported by Planon:

JST, IST, BET, ACT, HST, AET, AGT, VST, CNT, EST, NET, PLT, CST, SST, CTT, PNT, BST, MIT, ART, AST, PRT, PST, IET, NST, EAT, MST, ECT, CAT, SystemV/AST4, SystemV/MST7, SystemV/CST6, SystemV/YST9, SystemV/HST10, SystemV/EST5, SystemV/PST8, SystemV/CST6CDT, SystemV/MST7MDT, SystemV/YST9YDT, SystemV/PST8PDT, SystemV/AST4ADT and SystemV/EST5EDT.
2. Go to TSIs > All TSIs, select a TSI which contains most or all properties and select the Under construction option from the Status transitions action menu.
3. At the Properties selection level of this TSI, make the Time zone field visible for properties and select the Completed option from the Status transitions action menu.
For more information on making fields visible in the Field definer launch group, refer to the Field definer part of the Planon ProCenter user documentation.
4. Repeat Step 2 until you have made the Time zone field visible at the Properties selection levels of the TSIs for which you deem this necessary.
5. At the Properties selection levels of the relevant TSIs, link time zones to all properties in the property set.
6. Use the Modify within selection option to link a time zone to properties which should be in the same time zone.
7. Repeat Steps 2-6 for any other property sets that may be available in your configuration.
8. You have now linked all users and all properties to a time zone.
For more information on activating the MTZ functionality, refer to Activating MTZ functionality.