Core TSIs : Moves : Working with Moves : Executing a move
Executing a move
You can update the Planon ProCenter database with data that is valid after the personnel and assets concerned have actually moved.
1. Go to Move orders & requests.
2. Select the move order(s) that are required to execute the move.
The move lines of the order should be carried out in the order of their move date-time. So the lines with the earliest move date-time are carried out first.
3. In the Status transitions action panel, select the Technically completed status or the Administratively completed status.
Or, if you have selected multiple move orders:
4. Select Action on selection.
In the Question dialog box click OK.
In the Action on selection dialog box, select the Technically completed status or the Administratively completed status, followed by clicking OK in the Question dialog box. A warning message is displayed.
5. Click Proceed if you are sure that you want to execute the move.
All relevant data concerning the personnel and assets involved in the move lines, such as property, space, department etc, will be updated with the destination data from the move order.
For multiple assets, a new location assignment may be added or old ones may be deleted as a result of the move.
Once the move order is executed, it can no longer be modified.
Data concerning the person is updated with the move line data as follows:
Field of move line (in Moves )
Field of person (e.g. in Personnel TSI)
Value in To property field
Updates the Property field
Value in To space field
Updates the Space field
Value in To department field
Updates the Department field
Value in To cost center field
Updates the Cost center field
Value in To phone field
Updates the Phone number field
Value in To email field
Updates the Email field
Value in a free field configured with Derive and Restore field type in Field Definer.
Updates the field from which the free field was derived.
Data concerning assets is updated with the move line data as follows:
Field of move line (in Moves )
Field of asset (e.g. in Assets TSI)
Value in Number of items field
Updates the Quantity field
Value in To space field
Updates the Space field
Value in To department field
Updates the Department field
Value in To property field
Updates the Property field
Value in To cost center field
Updates the Cost center field
Value in Change to owner field
Updates the Of person field
Value in a free field configured with the Derive and Restore field type in Field Definer.
Updates the field from which the free field was derived.