Adding a score to an observation
In the Mobile Observations app , you can add a score to an observation.
1. On the Asset summary form, select the observation you want to add a score.
The Observation details page is displayed.
2. On the Observation details form, click the Score tap.
3. Tap the Add score button.
The Topic page is displayed.
4. Select the topic from the list or type (part of) the code / name of the topic in the Search field.
There are various types of scoring methods for topics you can add: Basic scoring, Topic matrix and Technical condition scoring. Based on your selection, a relevant scoring page is displayed.
5. On the Add [...] topic score page, select date and time in the Date & time of score field.
6. Enter the relevant data.
Basic Scoring
Manually enter the score for the observation in this field.
Topic level
Tap in this field to select the topic level.
Matrix Scoring
Topic likelihood
Tap in this field to select the topic likelihood.
Topic severity
Tap in this field to select the topic severity.
Technical Scoring
An indicator that marks the phase in which the observed issue occurs.
Tap in this field to select the relevant intensity for the observation. The values range from 1 to 3:
1 - First stage
2 - Advanced stage
3 - End stage
Extent is the proportion in which an observed issue is present in relation to the total surveyed construction or installation.
Tap in this field to select the relevant extent for the observation. The valuesrange from 1 to 5:
1 - 1%
2 - 2% to 9%
3 - 10% to 29%
4 - 30% to 69%
5 - 70% to 100%
If you fill the Extent range field the system will automatically fill the Extent percentage field with average of the range after saving the score.
Extent percentage
Manually enter the extent percentage for the observation in this field.
If you fill the Extent percentage field the system will automatically determine the Extend range field after saving the score.
7. Select Add.
It is confirmed that the topic score is added successfully.