Making checklist settings for a PPM web definition
By default, it is not possible to complete a maintenance activity on the app if there is at least one mandatory checklist item that has not been acknowledged by the field engineer. However, you can unblock this default setting. A second additional setting enables you to change the default status for unacknowledged checklist items upon completing the maintenance activity.
On the Additional settings tab of the sub web definition, two settings are available that you can use to implement your preferences regarding completing checklist items and completing the work assignment.
1. In Live app > PMFS (Live app) > Work assignments, select the relevant PPM sub web definition.
2. On the data panel, select the Additional settings tab.
Both settings related to handling checklist items are displayed:
Block maintenance activity completion with unanswered mandatory checklists?
Set checklist items to 'Done' on work assignment completion?
3. In the Block maintenance activity completion with unanswered mandatory checklists? field, select No if you want to allow engineers setting a maintenance activity to Completed while some mandatory checklist items still need to be acknowledged.
If you select No here, the Set checklist items to 'Done' on work assignment completion? field can no longer be set to No.
4. If you want to set unacknowledged checklist items to Done instead of Not assessed (which is the default behavior) when the field engineer sets the work assignment to Done, go to the Set checklist items to 'Done' on work assignment completion? field and select Yes.
Summarizing: The two checklist settings are partly co-dependent. Whatever your setting preferences, the following combinations of selected values are allowed:
Yes - No,
No - Yes,
Yes - Yes.
The only combination that is not supported is No - No.